Cannes Lions

Consent pack

BBDO ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / TULIPAN / 2019


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film






Most condom brands talk about sex in a trivial way, but today people are talking about more serious issues such as gender violence and sex-related assault. Movements like #MeToo and No es No(No Means No) are trying to help by exposing this.

We understand that the best way to fight against gender violence is through education. That is why we wanted to convey this message: Sex is a decision made by two people. If there is consent, there is respect and pleasure. This message seems obvious, but yet it is not.

The goal of this campaign was to trigger discussion and raise awareness about the importance of listening to your sexual partner when engaging in intercourse.


We created a special, one-of-a-kind pack designed to be opened with the consent of two people. The idea was to create a product that made us feels the importance of consent in sex.

The pack has an eight-button system that must be pressed and then pulled outwards at the same time in order to get the box to open, and being able to use the condoms inside.

In order to open the pack you need, literally, all four hands from both people.


Most condom brands focus only in communicating the opportunity of having sex. Meanwhile, people are discussing more serious and relevant issues, such as gender violence and sex-related assault.

We believe that the best way to fight against gender violence is through education, and we have the opportunity to send a message that can be heard everywhere: Sex is a decision made by two people. If there is consent, there is respect and pleasure.

Target: 18 and 25 years old, whether they are in a couple or not.


- Design and development of the consent pack: a pack that could only be opened using all four hands of the two people involved. Distribution -for free- in public events and bars.

- Online video introducing the consent pack posted on brand's platforms

- Press release + mailing with packs to T1 national and international media


The campaign lasted one week and had three stages. First, the teaser stage, in which we uploaded a post stating our campaign message.

In the second stage, the next day, we uploaded the main asset which introduced and explained how the Consent Pack worked, and we sent press-kits to over 200 media stations around the country. During that night, and the following three nights, we handed out to people in bars and events in the City of Buenos Aires over 4000 Consent Packs.

The third stage involved uploading secondary content that addressed consent, how to use the pack and conceptual messages related to the campaign, and wrapped it up with a video of couples stating our main message.


Considering it was impossible to promote advertising in social media due to Facebook’s restrictions regarding sex, we managed to become Trending Topic during the first six hours of the campaign.

Over 80 national media (newspapers, internet, radio and T.V.) told the story.

The following days, the news that a condom brand in Argentina had invented a pack that encouraged couples to talk about consent reached over 130 countries. Seth Meyers from NBC and Trevor Noah from Comedy Central, amongst others, told the story in prime-time, USA television.

In just 15 days, we reached over 1.3 billion impressions worldwide with a US$19 million earn media.

We developed a campaign to get young people in our country start talking about consent in sex, and the world responded to it.

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