Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Children with special needs find it difficult to communicate like the way we do. But the children at Al Manzil school had expressed themselves through beautiful works of art. With every painting, the child was trying to say something in order to reach out to the world.

To get them a response in return, we created ‘CONVERSATIONS’- an exhibition that became a platform for the children to establish a dialogue with the world outside, while giving the world an opportunity to communicate back.

A simple device allowed people to listen to what the child had to say, and then record their response in return, thus completing the Conversation. The comment cards, the event collaterals and the Facebook app took the Conversation even further.

PR got underway through a video showing the children creating these paintings that was sent to influential bloggers and journalists. Articles in special interest and mainstream publications ensured the children were not patronized, and focused on the works of art instead. Dubai Media carried a special feature about the school’s long-term vision of blending the children with mainstream society.

Over 3000 people finally attended the event, leading to widespread media coverage. Within just three hours, all the paintings were sold, raising over 225,000 dirhams. But the real reward went to the children who heard those invaluable words of encouragement. Conversations is now a permanent platform that will showcase the artistic talents of these children, making them feel EXCEPTIONAL rather than an exception.


A simple device placed next to each painting allowed people to listen to what the child had to say and then record their response, thus completing the Conversation. The comment cards allowed people to leave personalized messages, while the facebook app enabled the Conversations to continue beyond the event. Event collaterals such as the invites, e-invites and catalogue became persuasive mediums. Messages across different media touch points such as online banners and ATM screen messages worked cohesively to drive traffic to the event. PR amplified the voice through a video of these children creating these paintings that was sent to influential bloggers and journalists. Articles in special interest and mainstream publications such as the Islamic Arts magazine, Art City, Art Dubai and Canvas, Gulf News, The National and City Times fuelled further interest. Dubai Media carried a feature on the school's long-term vision of blending the children into mainstream society.


Over 3,000 people attended the event, leading to widespread media coverage. And within just three hours, all the paintings were sold, raising over 225,000 dirhams. But the real reward went to the children who heard those invaluable words of encouragement. Conversations is now a permanent platform that will showcase the artistic talents of these children, making them feel EXCEPTIONAL rather than an exception. Although located in a remote area in Sharjah, the Al Manzil school no longer suffers from obscurity. Conversations has placed the school in the public eye, with support pouring in from corporates and other institutions.

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