Cannes Lions


VML, Bogota / MOVISTAR / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film






Telefónica Movistar is replacing its copper Internet networks with Fiber optics. Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and its company purpose of moving people through innovating new technologies, Telefónica Movistar is repurposing this copper to transform the lives of patients with Butterfly Skin diseases.


We harness the transformative power of copper, once used in internet networks, weaving it into fabric threads to craft garments designed to nurture and shield the delicate skin of children afflicted by Epidermolysis Bullosa, commonly known as Butterfly Skin.

This approach leverages copper's antibacterial, angiogenic, and fungicidal qualities to foster wound healing. Thus, it enhances the mobility of these children, granting them additional hours of more effortless movement each day while they battle this rare, hereditary, and currently incurable condition.


The project aimed to raise awareness of Butterfly Skin Disease among the general public, particularly children affected by it. An innovative, open-source solution was developed to maximize the campaign's reach and impact. The solution was user-friendly and accessible to everyone, making engaging and informing a broad audience easy and giving Movistar a relevant role through its commitment to a sustainable world and solutions for humanity.


The project involved a collaborative effort between the Debra Foundation and the team in charge of execution. We collected copper and repurposed it into the fabric used to design the garments. The meticulous process involved a lot of attention to detail, ensuring the final product was of the highest quality. The result was a collection of beautiful garments that positively impacted patients who wore them.


Movistar's focus on technology, sustainability, and social responsibility has improved mobility and quality of life for children with butterfly skin disease. The brand has made a tangible difference by providing equipment and resources that help them move around more easily. Its dedication to sustainability and ethical manufacturing is also evident. This achievement highlights the Movistar's commitment to positively impacting the world. The brand's impactful convergence of technology, sustainability, and social responsibility improved mobility and quality of life for children with Butterfly Skin disease.

"Copper Skin has significantly increased 90% of Debra's Foundation patients' daily mobility."

"Healthcare professionals are exploring Copper Skin into their protocols for skin pathologies."

25% Less Inflammation

+20% Help in the wound healing process

+30% Reduced new wounds

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