Cannes Lions


OMD CHINA, Beijing / INTEL / 2011

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As we needed to appeal to a wider target group of Intel we roped in 20 Celebrities from the diverse facets of Chinese Life - Actors, cartoon characters, Basketball players , sports commentators etc.Customized messages were developed by creating various messages in the Celebs trademark.Banner ads displayed on a very poplar lifestyle portal - Sina and other major mobile WAP sites . Bluetooth booths in the places where the target had an actual possibility of interacting with the celebrity were set up and messages were delivered to create more impact Weibo (Micro blogging) following of the celebs was encouraged through mobile banners The execution of the mechanics was geared for a surprise to the recipient – “If you knew that you friend would be attending an Basketball game then you could have your favourite Chinese basketball player deliver a IVR / Bluetooth message to him.


Total participation number was a huge 30 Million.Top of the funnel indicator was driving the huge traffic to the sites through to the Internet and WAP - A massive 16.8 million.Through Bluetooth Kiosks brought in an additional traffic of 2 million and the Celebrities got an additional 12 million followers on their Weibo accounts alone.A whopping 36 million celebrity MMS were requested and 12 million IVR were delivered to the friends.And finally,The top of mind for Intel Core increased by a huge 22% and preference increased by 15%.

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