Cannes Lions



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Challenge: In 2011, the earth’s population surpassed 7b, rendering the challenges facing our world more urgent than ever. A forward-thinking science company, DuPont believes collaboration is the key to tackling these challenges, but business and industry leaders and even DuPont employees knew little of DuPont’s breadth and capabilities outside of their own silos.Objectives:• Increase awareness of DuPont brand messaging and businesses by showcasing DuPont's collaborative approach to science• Shift perceptions: position DuPont as a key global partner and cutting-edge scientific thought leaderStrategy: Launch a content-led platform to spark conversation around our world’s most crucial concerns, centring DuPont at its core. The result was The Horizons Project, built on 4 pillars:• Broadcast: Horizons series, sponsored by DuPont and airing on BBC WN, features business leaders and companies tackling our world’s challenges• Stories of Inclusive Innovation: 2-minute documentaries manifesting DuPont collaborations in action• Global thought leadership summits in Delhi and Istanbul• A comprehensive digital strategy including microsite, social media, and YouTube channelOutcome: The campaign engaged an extensive audience and sparked genuine conversation across social media, press, and internally in DuPont, who leveraged assets as PR and sales tools.Horizons featured a plethora of press extensions. The content garnered attention through trade releases, media alerts, profile interviews for Horizons host Adam Shaw, and global summit coverage. DuPont leveraged content as press tools to deliver corporate communications globally.


Over 5 months, the team filmed Horizons season 1, visiting 18 countries, profiling 44 companies, and interviewing over 150 people. Season 1 of Horizons explored emerging global issues and companies who are shaping the way humankind will live over the next decade. Stories of Inclusive Innovation were created to appear during the series’ commercial breaks and also aired across YouTube. The campaign’s first global summit, the Global Collaboratory on Food, was held in Delhi and strategically coincided with the series premiere, naturally integrating broadcast with events.

Finally, the digital microsite and social media extensions launched alongside the series premiere, providing viewers with a dynamic hub to further connect with the program’s content.Throughout production and execution, we mitigated budgetary challenges with nimble production models and packed calendars. One month in early 2011 we produced 4 half-hour episodes of Horizons, 3 short documentaries, launched a website and convened an international summit.


• The campaign was a huge step forward for corporate communications, which DuPont was able to disseminate globally for the first time in decades by leveraging campaign assets• Horizons quickly became the second highest rating show on BBCWN, engaging 185m.• Horizons genuinely sparked conversation across press channels: 250 media mentions and over 150 blog mentions generated over 120m earned impressions. Unprompted requests for classroom copies of the show and posts like, “thank you for the show, keep it up!” appeared on our website (100,000 views) and Facebook (20,000 'likes').• DuPont leveraged campaign assets as press tools in meetings, business pitches, and industry events.

• By extending DuPont’s global messaging to local business partners and influencers, Horizons events in Delhi and Istanbul manifested global perspectives in a compelling regional tone.• The campaign had a 4:1 multiplier of value versus cost (based on media value, not including additional value of other marketing extensions).

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