Cannes Lions



Presentation Image
Case Film






According to Volkswagens research big part of our target group are couriers, who own the cars they are driving.

Even in big delivery companies – courier are in most cases subcontractors. They are their own boss, not an employee of the delivery company.

But how do we show couriers that Volkswagen Crafter is a perfect car for them: cheap to maintain, reliable, perfect for couriers who drive long distances all day long?

The goal was to let the couriers know about new Volkswagen Crafter and a personalized offer for them.


On 9th of July 2015 we’ve sent 10 packages via 10 different delivery companies to one of Volkswagen dealerships in Warsaw. The packages were to be delivered on 10th of July.

At the dealership awaiting the couriers – a blue coloured “red” carpet, coffee and sandwiches for the couriers.

Every time the courier with the right package came in – the confetti “exploded” and the hostess gave the courier the present for him which was in the package he had just delivered.

Couriers reactions were filmed and the video was uploaded to local Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles YouTube channel on 14th of August. The video was then distributed via viral seeding.

Between 26th and 31st of August 2015 - 490 packages have been sent to 52 locations all over Poland.

We had to use 7 different delivery companies to ensure that we won’t reach the same courier more than once.


We have managed to reach a very specific target group, couriers were talking between each other about the packages they have received. Couriers were very pleased with the gifts, some of them even claimed that they have never before felt so appreciated during the whole time they have been working as couriers.

The video showing our activation for the couriers got over 131 000 views and resulted in a 7% increase in the local Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles YouTube channel subscriptions.

September - one of the best months for Volkswagen Crafter sales in 2015, with the increase in sales year to year 44% and the average sales increase 2015 to 2014 was 36%. September was the month with the 3rd highest sale in 2015.

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