Cannes Lions

Crafting Joy with Delivery Box

DENTSU TEC, Tokyo / GROW / 2022

Presentation Image
Demo Film
Case Film
Supporting Images
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Spending more time at home due to COVID has leaded parents to explore more ways and activities that foster communication.

Meanwhile, the children's clothing brand Devirock has established a new brand stance of "promoting communication between parents and children.

The challenge was to increase the number of fans of the brand by promoting the brand's new stance Because of a crowded market for children's clothing brands, it was necessary to strengthen the branding in order to differentiate the brand.

In addition, this project needed to be a campaign that could be implemented in a short period of time without changing the normal production line.


With more opportunities to spend time at home due to COVID, we noticed that more parents who are the target were looking for ways to foster communication with their children.

In collaboration with an origami artist, we developed the blueprint for a pop up dinosaur to be printed on each delivered cardboard package, and held a campaign. Cardboard boxes, which are usually thrown away after being opened, were transformed into a tool to create time for parents and children to play together.

In addition to selling children's clothing, by providing opportunities to make parent-child time more enjoyable, this work able to convey the brand's new stance of promoting communication between parents and children.


We launched a campaign to deliver purchased products in cardboard boxes with the blueprints for a DIY pop up dinosaur printed on them.

The special boxes were distributed as delivery cardboard boxes to approximately 30,000 people drawn from among those who purchased products during the campaign period.

Japanese rich origami culture was a key part of the inspiration for this project and this design.

Origami is a traditional Japanese art form and an excellent tool for education. It has been used in early childhood education for about 170 years.

The custom of making origami out of wrapping paper and other materials is firmly rooted in Japanese children.


Planning Design drawings: 1 month

Printing Production of instructional videos: 1 month

Campaign period: 1 month


?Increased brand awareness through many posts and spread on social media.

SNS: Reach: approx. 30,500 / Engagement: approx. 10,000

?Contributed to the sales growth

Increase in average purchase per customer ? Approximately 190% compared to the average purchase price as compared to the prior average

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