
Curiosity Hub


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Case Film
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Situation: As part of its “2016 State of Curiosity” report, Merck discovered that only 20% of workers in Germany, China and the USA self-identify as curious. To improve this situation, and infect science and technology audiences with the contagious effect of curiosity, the company started the global #catchcurious initiative.

Brief: The production and promotion of a microsite to transfer the brand’s corporate design (a colourful world of cells and shapes inspired by the forms found under the microscope) to the web. The site should communicate the elementary definition of scientific curiosity, underpinning its role as a driver of innovation.

Objective: Strengthen Merck’s reputation as a vibrant science and technology company among customers, innovation partners and potential employees worldwide.


The platform uses a vibrant visual language to whet the appetite of curious visitors. A self-test takes users on a vivid 3D journey to generate personal curiosity profiles. Plus, curiosity expert Dr. Carl Naughton invites users to crack the “Curiosity Code” as part of a mysterious interactive film. Articles, films, infographics, and interviews with leading curiosity experts complete the responsive, multilingual site.

Content developed for the platform was optimized for Merck’s intranet and social media channels. This allowed the brand to quickly activate both internal and external influencer networks to maximize reach across relevant business channels.

From concept to initial launch, in both English and German language, the Curiosity Hub required a 5-month development phase. The platform was launched in five additional languages (Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese) by the end of 2016.

Since its launch, the site has been updated regularly with new articles, interviews, and interactive content.

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