Cannes Lions




2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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After a series of devastating events New Zealanders weren’t seeking out joyful experiences as much as they should. Gone was the country’s upbeat outlook and glass and a half full attitude, which unified them with Cadbury.

We needed to remind Kiwis that they can still find joy in the everyday. We knew watching it on a screen wouldn’t be enough - they would have to feel the joy face-to-face.

Using the insight that joy is contagious, we created an integrated campaign that spread joy across the country through multiple experiences.

First, a nationwide experiential campaign that brought real moments of joy to New Zealanders, then a website where people could share their own moments of joy and, finally, all that joy was captured in a TV campaign and music video - showcasing the first song ever to be made from the joy of a nation.


At experiential events and online, people could experience joy first-hand. TV and PR amplified reach and got the movement into our collective consciousness, while press and radio drove traffic to events.Each element fed into the others to create environments where people could engage at any level, by participating, producing, sharing or just watching.First, a nationwide experiential campaign brought real moments of joy to the country. Once we’d held multiple events, people started sharing their own moments of joy on our website.

Then we used sounds and videos that we had discreetly recorded at events and combined these with the sounds from the consumer videos on the website to create a piece of music, composed by Grammy-winner Bobby McFerrin.

The song was released as a TV campaign and music video.Finally, consumers could create, and star in, their own music videos using our online Joy Mixer.


- The campaign reached 4 million people -practically the entire population of New Zealand.- We gained $2 million worth of earned media coverage with an estimated PR reach of $6.5 million.- Over 150,000 people experienced an event with between 83-100% reporting feeling more joyful as a result of the experience and 58% saying they had told at least 6-10 people about the event.- 150,000 visited the website with 500,000 page views and consumers spending an average of 9 minutes each on the site, and we gained over 4,600 pieces of content.

- We maintained Cadbury Dairy Milk’s share while increasing the retail price by 12% as sales lifted between 16-27%.

- And despite having a devastating year, New Zealand is still ranked 5th out of 110 countries on the international happiness index.

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