Cannes Lions

Danger Tags

TAPSA | Y&R, Madrid / GENERAL MOTORS / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






First we opened several Facebook profiles with the most common dangers on the roads in Spain: warthog, pedestrian and cyclist.

Then we searched for public photos of roads on Facebook with hashtags about roads: #roadtrip #road #driving.

And finally we tagged our "dangers" in the public photos of Facebook users that used those hashtags.

This way they could see that a "danger" was tagged in his photo and when they clicked to see the danger profile, they saw information about Opel Eye and the sentence: This is how Opel Eye works. Detect the dangers that you can't see.


• Implementation

We created 3 profiles in Facebook with the most common dangers on the road.

• Timeline

19/4/2016 – 19/5/2016

• Placement


• Scale



• Reach

More than 3.000 photos were tagged, reaching more than 2.000.000 impressions

• Engagement

Opel facebook fans increased 25%

15% wrote us to know more about Opel Eye

?• Sales

Car sales with Opel Eye technology increased 26% during the action

?• Achievement against business targets

The Opel brand image improved affinity and empathy between the target.

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