

PHD, Milan / VOLKSWAGEN / 2019

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Case Film






The main challenge for Volkswagen Brand is to create a strong connection between the brand and the football world. This is the worldwide concept of Volkswagen in a road to Euro 2020 perspective: the client’s aim is to bring his brand experience more and more closer to football themes and competitions until the European football championship of 2020.

Another challenge for Volkswagen in Italy, is to increase territorial awareness of the brand reaching all the local and Hyper-local audiences in a dealer perspective.

The main objective for this activity is to be the first and the only advertiser worldwide on DAZN, being able to reach football audiences on A and B Ligue not reached by anyone else, on a only-pay OTT Platform Cross-Device.


The possibility to enjoy the media content of DAZN not only on Tv but on multiple devices, not only by Live Streaming but also with Highlights On-Demands of all the matches perfectly suites with the media habit of aspiring middle class target. The reasons for establishing an exclusive partnership with DAZN are, firstly, the possibility to be present on events that no other broadcaster could have covered, and to reach a wide audience thanks to the integration of the devices on DAZN platform.

The exclusive agreement between Volkswagen and DAZN excluded all other advertiser and direct competitors on this platform. In this way, Volkswagen became not only the first, but also the only advertiser present in all the Football competitions in Italy.


The partnership started at the end of November and consists in being present in all Live matches with four Tv Spot of 15’’: one at the beginning and one at the end of the first half of the match, and the same for the second half. Added to this, on the Highlights Videos Volkswagen has two commercials of 5’’ one at the start and one at the end. This structure is repeated for all competitions included in the partnership.

About the creativity, the partnership also includes the agreement by the parts to produce ad hoc assets to be used exclusively for these activities.


Helping VW to be the first investor on a pay-only OTT platform.

Being the only brand present on the B Ligue, the championship «of the territory».

Being the only automotive that has complete coverage of football in Italy: Serie A, Serie B, UCL, UEU, Italian National.

Extending the association between “VW” and “soccer” until the Euro 2020 championship which will be an important event for Volkswagen as it will be a global partner.

Being the first brand with a really cross device video planning.

Impressions to date: more than 106.000.000.

Split by device: 61% smart TV, 23% mobile, 16% pc.

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