Cannes Lions


UM, New York / MASTERCARD / 2009

Presentation Image






In executing the “Priceless” strategy, we launched a revamped site ( The site strived to engage consumers in the campaign by sharing real events from their lives, by enticing them to submit their stories into a “Priceless” contest. UGC was then showcased in relevant venues to drive participation.

The SBT variety show “Domingo Legal”—the most popular Sunday TV program in Brazil—as well as AXN and Sony cable channels featured viewers’ “Priceless” moments. Viral networks, principally key social platforms, were utilized to heighten promotion visibility and credibility and to generate unpaid blog postings/comments. Search engines, social networking sites, popular blogs and photo/video communities were also used to spread the word via custom MasterCard groups/channels, banner ads, rich media, etc.Contest winners starred in primetime TV spots, bringing their “Priceless” ideas to life, while other consumers’ submissions were featured in a second round of print, cable and online campaigns.


This was the first time any financial services company in Brazil had ever attempted to use UGC in a marketing initiative, let alone use 100% true stories and social networking for a promotion. Executed to encourage consumer interaction and preference, the campaign took steps beyond basic awareness building and moved into more viral opportunities, ultimately propelling MasterCard ahead of competitors in the digital space:--63,000+ consumer “Priceless” ideas were submitted via --36 million page views--Celebrity blog testimonials spawned 5,000+ spontaneous reader comments--103 blogs spontaneously mentioned the promotion (unpaid)

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