Dubai Lynx



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Despite being half the population of the country, female representation in Pakistan’s economy is very low: 22% according to a 2014-2015 report. The South Asian culture still frowns upon and in some places, even forbids women from stepping out of their houses which leads to considerably lower levels of education in females. This systematic discrimination then leads to females facing higher poverty levels in the country along with a dearth of opportunities accessible to them.

With the onset of the digital revolution, women in Pakistan have gained some access to the outside world. They are eagerly seeking ways they can strengthen their financials, enabling them to contribute to their households. A myriad of Facebook businesses, small home based set ups, and crafts initiatives are evidences of their passion. However, there still exists a steep gradient between urban and rural women, with the latter seeing a much smaller pool of opportunities available to them due to poor infrastructure as well as lack of education.


In this world of divide, biases and prejudices, Samsung invited people to look through its lens and see all humans, men & women, as one.


Samsung wanted to create a sustainable solution to the predicament of rural women who had a drive to empower themselves and better their lives through financial contribution to their households.

Through research, we found that females in rural areas are often involved with crafts and want to sell them to markets in the city. Unable to leave their home themselves and not trained in negotiating deals, they are left to the mercy of middlemen who exploit their lack of exposure and hideously underpay these artisans for their dedicated and untiring efforts.

Samsung decided to use its technology to cut out these middlemen and give these skilled and talented females, direct access to the market. They needed to be trained on how the market works, what products and styles are in demand, as well as technology which put them directly in touch with the customers- making them truly independent.


Results for the first three months (Oct – Dec 2018):

86 micro-entrepreneurs

Over 2000 individuals benefitted

Total Sales: PKR 187,050

62% micro-entrepreneurs earning additional income

+12% Average increase in income

Internet Usage of the Micro-Entrepreneurs increased from 43% to 82%

Email Usage of the Micro-Entrepreneurs increased from 5.5% to 47%

5.76 million video views (FB: 1.59 Million; YouTube: 4.17 Million)

Impressions: 148 Million

Engagement Rate: 11.37%

Positive/Neutral Sentiment: 94%

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