Cannes Lions

Dettol Hygiene Quest on Roblox


Case Film
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Facing challenges to deliver engaging hygiene education to kids globally, we analysed where these digital natives spend majority of their time.

87% of Gen-Z (8–24-yos) play video games at least weekly.

200Mn + Gen-Z users spend more time on Roblox (3hrs) than social media, every day.

Roblox is a popular gaming platform, free to install & just needs an internet enabled mobile to have access to millions of experiences to play & hangout with your friends.

Hence, it provided the best way to build bridges between hygiene education & Gen-Z’s passion for gaming.

We developed a first ever hygiene education experience on Roblox, the ‘Dettol Hygiene Quest’.

This was made with a fixed investment of £150k & lives on the platform forever. We then utilised a variable budget for reach expansion & scale.

This meant we had a scalable model with a low initial investment.


There are huge gaps in handwashing knowledge on 3 parameters: Why, When & How.

E.g. 40% children don’t always use soap for handwashing. Quests and fights are common in games.

Our idea was to gamify handwashing facts, make it fun to learn and & measure knowledge improvement by sending the player on a “Hygiene Quest.”

- Players faced a germ outbreak in their favourite games on Roblox.

- They were incentivised with in game rewards to go on a quest via the Hygiene Quest portal & fight the germs with a Dettol sword.

- A ‘pre-survey’ measured their ‘current’ knowledge on the 3 parameters.

- They were educated with correct handwashing actions & fun facts on the 3 parameters. More facts powered the sword further as they fought the germs together.

After defeating the germs, they returned via the same portals, answered a ‘post-survey’ & got amazing rewards!


Dettol’s school programs have evidenced that improvement in knowledge is a crucial step driving hygiene behaviour change, e.g. our program helped reduce absenteeism by 8129 days across Nigeria, UK, Italy thus creating long term societal impact. 

There is immense potential to scale, as Roblox provides access to over 200 million monthly users across 180+ countries.

Hygiene Quest has turned a gaming platform into a community hub for education with a potential for broader curriculum going forward.

We had outstanding results in just 4 months:

- 19.7% increase in handwashing knowledge after playing!

- 5.7 million players engaged across 100+ countries.

- 30 years (268,000 hrs) of education delivered.

- 1/10th the cost of on ground activation

Investment - £320,000 (£150,000 build cost, £170,000 to scale)


Roblox’s platform reaches millions of children through existing games. It was imperative to authentically integrate our experience with them & encourage this native audience to go on the Hygiene Quest.

We integrated the experiences through an innovative way, portals. We partnered with existing games with millions of players who could teleport to Hygiene Quest & back via these portals, joining their friends on a quest.

Apart from solving the germ outbreak, the players were incentivised through highly coveted reward items that they could use in the original games after returning from the portals.

E.g. For ‘Blade Quest’, where players earn rare blades, we provided a Protector’s Blade which was the most powerful in the game.

Within Hygiene Quest, the machine learning algorithm enabled real-time personalisation of hygiene facts & germ challenges based on player interaction. Hence everyone, irrespective of their skill & knowledge level, had a chance to improve on the 3 parameters of handwashing.

We used a pre & post measurement survey to measure the impact on knowledge by playing the game. The backend integrated real-time analytics to track reach, engagement, which helped expand the quest to newer players & maximize impact.

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