Cannes Lions

Diego's Farewell

DRAFTLINE, Buenos Aires / QUILMES / 2022


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






The objective of the campaign was mainly to remain the beer brand most associated with the Argentine national team and soccer in general. This is because, although Quilmes is the historical sponsor of the Argentine soccer team, this was the first Cup in history, in which it was not going to be the official sponsor due to contractual issues. And beyond the fact that Quilmes was not the official sponsor, the goal was to take over the cup and for people to continue to perceive us as "the brand" of Argentine soccer. We are committed to being present at a key football milestone such as the Copa América with a message that is relevant to an entire country, thus being able to reach each fan.


In this campaign we aimed to reach a whole country, to be the Argentine brand that supports the National Soccer Team since forever and, above all, to pay tribute to argentine football esscence, Diego Armando Maradona. Our main work in this campaign was a commercial that connected people with those things in football that can’t be explained rationally. Those plays that take place and we don’t know how, or why, those plays that have mysticism.

In our commercial we created plays where the ball somehow came to life, dribbled alone unexpectedly, or turned and made its way into the rival goal after a free kick, scoring an incredible goal. That goal celebration revealed our tribute to the greatest: “If he did what he did in the field, just imagine from heaven”.


PR's strategy consisted of basing ourselves on an insight that fueled the agenda of all the national media: it was the first drink after Maradona's death. We had a super newsworthy observation on our hands. The next step was to provoke the media with some controversy. So we did something that Argentines believe is bad luck: We predicted a victory. The media began to feed on the content generated by this provocation. Our position was to trust in positive superstitions, postulating that Maradona was going to make us champions in a context where the networks had been filled with content that attributed the most diverse miracles to Maradona. This strategy worked since the media around the world echoed it. The best thing happened when Argentina beat Brazil in the final, just as we predicted. The media picked up the commercial again, alluding to the fact that it was Maradona's miracle.


The launch of the commercial was simultaneously on the brand's social networks, in mass media with a plan of influencers who made the commercial viral and made it relevant to the thematic agenda of the media at a national and international level. The second point of contact was the reaction of digital communities and journalists who joined the conversation, which organically caused more influencers and users to join and generate an interaction with the commercial.

We aimed to generate the highest conversation volume and reach within 24 hours of launch, extending amplification throughout the week.

As for the international press, the reach was 100% organic.


With the campaign we not only achieved the stated objective "To continue to be the beer brand most associated with the national team" by finding ourselves 3rd in the ranking of most associated brands (Adidas1st, YPF 2nd), but we increased the association index vs. Q1 2021. And in just one month we managed to increase +8 points meaningful brand power.

Thanks to the immediate impact, only in the first 24 hours we achieved:

- 8.7M organic impressions

- 51.09% earned rate (Paid impressions vs. Organic) this represents that more than half of the impressions were organic -> being the average earned rate of Quilmes soccer 11%.

- "QUILMES" was TT for 12 hours QUILMES on Twitter

- Of the total number of people reached, 62% retweeted the Twitter post

Total campaign results:

- Historic peak for Quilmes football in conversation volume on the brand's networks with +12k comments.

-Positive Sentiment 97% (average 2020 87%)

-Thanks to the viral of the commercial we reached an EARNED MEDIA of $750K being the total budget of the campaign $580k including media and production.

-Thanks to the efforts of PR, we managed to ensure that the campaign not only had a local impact but also had a presence in the most prominent international football media, reaching Naples, Diego Maradona's second home. This represents a historical milestone for Quilmes, a local brand.

In addition, the commercial transcend investment in media and live in other media, in profiles of people who were moved and emotional.

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