Cannes Lions

Dinner Insurance

LEO BURNETT , Chicago / CAMPBELL'S / 2021


3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






The brief was to build Campbell’s company equity and connection with consumers during a very non-traditional 2020 holiday season. Specifically, demonstrate their values of “real food that matters for life’s moments” during a cluttered holiday time period with a limited media budget – all during a world-wide pandemic and its subsequent lockdown.


Knowing a large amount of first time Thanksgiving cooks were in Manhattan, Campbell’s offered a truly unique service to over 5 million New Yorkers - Dinner Insurance - to protect them from a potential cooking fail on one of the most important cooking days in America.


Knowing a large amount of first time Thanksgiving cooks were in Manhattan, Campbell’s offered a unique service - Dinner Insurance - to protect them from a potential cooking fail.

For national scale, we partnered with Instacart to reach Millennials and offered free shipping on $25 of Campbell’s products.

We were able to capitalize on our partnership with Instacart by pushing them deploy their first-ever branded email, geo-targeted to the NYC area. The email drove consumers to to register.

Leading up to Thanksgiving, we began to seed excitement with a friendly competition and banter via Instagram Polls - proving out what we all know – It’s not the turkey but all the sides that make Thanksgiving special (and so much work). The day of, celebrity chefs and an army of cooks prepped America’s favorite Thanksgiving sides. When a claim was submitted, brand ambassadors delivered a replacement in minutes, saving Thanksgiving.


The Dinner Insurance teaser creative ran on Instagram via story polls and in-feed video. A recap video ran on programmatic OLV.

The Dinner Insurance effort ran in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving launching on 11/12/20 and running through the holiday and recapping the effort until 11/30/20.


Dinner Insurance successfully drove sales and awareness of the Campbell’s as the hero for side dishes and necessary assistant for first-time Thanksgiving hosts, positioning Campbell’s as the brand that has your back this holiday.

Objective: Drive sales in NYC area for key Campbell’s products during critical Thanksgiving time period.

Results: In NYC area during Thanksgiving 2020 all brands posted YoY growth.

Objective: Attract new buyers to Campbell’s in NYC area.

Results: Across all brands we grew the number of new buyers significantly in NYC area.

Objective: Keep Campbell’s top of mind during this cluttered holiday time period.

Results: Radically surpassed earned media goals gaining enormous national media coverage. Given Dinner Insurance was only offered in Manhattan, we expected local press coverage only. National media quickly picked up the story --Travel and Leisure, The Washington Post, Good Morning America, Trevor Noah and Forbes – giving us national coverage beyond our expectations.

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