Cannes Lions


COLE & WEBER UNITED, Seattle / DELL / 2006

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An integrated campaign for Dell, to launch their Dell DJ Ditty MP3 player. The cornerstone was a website with three instructional videos (called “Ditty-O’s) in short and long versions starring a fictional character called Mitch Ferrence (an ex-boyband impresario anti-hero) who demonstrates three things people do with digital music players: lip sync, dance and air guitar. Addition campaign components included Air Guitar Music Videos, Viral Instructional Clips, Online :60’s, posters, magazine ads, online ads, t-shirts, and publicity efforts (press releases and e-mails,) which were all aligned with the same creative execution and drove visits to the website.


First a fictional press release explaining the discovery of Mitch Ferrence was sent to high-tech related websites and journals, and lifestyle and music magazines and websites. Next the website, was launched. All subsequent campaign elements drove traffic back to the site: e-mails went out to Dell owners, announcing the launch of the site. Flash and static banners, eyeblasters and ad curtains re-enacted scenes from Mitch’s videos. A traditional print campaign dropped, and we also made downloadable posters available on the website. Many more smaller elements, too numerous to expound on in the small space allowed here included: viral clippettes, :60 spots on, and yahoo videos, t-shirts, a presence, and an eventual tie-in with Rockstar: INXS.Communication GoalsThe campaign has outperformed all client expectations for click-through rates; created awareness in a market never targeted by Dell before; and was successful in shaping brand perceptions.Overall in the first three months, Mitch received seven million page views, accounting for over 789,000 unique visitors. Over 3,000 Mitch posters have been downloaded. Average viewing time is 4:48 per user. Return rate of visitors remains between 9-10%. Click-thru rates are 75% higher than the next highest Dell campaign to-date.Mitch has received over 2,000 unsolicited e-mails to-date, and continues to respond to these through his presence, allowing a real-time relationship to develop between the target market and Dell’s newest spokesman.Media Spend$US 2,000,000

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