Cannes Lions



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There are hundreds of dogs staying in dog shelters. We tried to find homes for them announcing - HOME HAS BEEN MISSING!

We prepared "Lost Home" posters and hung them all over Poland, launched ( website and "Zaginal Do" profile on Facebook. We simultaneously informed Municipal Police about the lost home, and they engaged a special patrol in the search. We shot video appeals with major Polish celebrities and then spread films on the Internet.

Simple, the hand-made campaign generated great response. A vast majority of the biggest Polish media were informed about "Lost Home". Among them, were 4 out of 5 main TV stations, 5 out of 6 main radio stations, and all main Internet portals. With no paid media, we generated 1.5 hours of TV reports, 2.5 hours of radio reports, and hundreds of online publishing.30% more dogs have found their homes, and 50% more dogsin varios ways, e.g. to organize local adoption events, to spend money, etc.; big Polish companies have offered their help, and the biggest TV station decided to conduct with us a special education program for schools and presented it on the air.


We prepared "Lost Home" posters, launched ( website and "Zaginal Dom" profile on Facebook. We simultaneously informed municipal police about the lost home, and they engaged a special patrol in the search.Then dozens of volunteers hung posters all over Poland. We shot video appeals with major Polish celebrities and spread films on the Internet.

This simple, hand-made campaign generated great response. There were not only people ready to adopt dogs, but also anxious to help in various ways, e.g. to organize local adoption events, to prepare radio programs, to write articles, to spend money, etc. Big companies (telecommunication, pharmaceutical and finance) have offered their help, Animal Planet TV has become our partner, and big auction portal has sold coupons for virtual adoptions. The biggest TV station (TVN) decided to conduct with us a special education programme for schools and presented it on the air.


- With no paid media, we generated 1.5 hours of TV reports, 2.5 hours of radio reports, and hundreds of online publishing.- Vast majority of the biggest Polish media informed about "Lost Home". Among them there were 4 out of 5 main TVs, 5 out of 6 main radio stations, and all main Internet portals.

- Our campaign generated approximately $250,000 worth of free media coverage.- 30% more dogs have found their homes, and 50% more dogs have been virtually adopted.- Also cats, rats and tortoises were adopted. In tens of cases we collected money for animals’ treatment, their transport, or buying kennels.

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