Cannes Lions
GREY MEXICO, Mexico City / PROCTER & GAMBLE / 2012
We decided our experience was going to be for children in need, donating clothes to them, and linking this with our brand. Searching for inspiration, we found the machine that made figures with foam, and the idea came alive. What if we created our own machine, that exchanged real clothes for softness in the form of those clothes and left a good experience for children in general? We named it the “Downy Softness exchange machine”.It was a one day shot and via supermarkets we delivered flyers to our women consumers inviting them to take their children to the Softness Exchange Machine, putting day and time and asking them to take their children’s and clothes they could donate. They certainly came, and when people in general saw what the machine did, they asked what was happening, and even more children and donated clothes came.
For the client, because we presented a goodwill creative experience and goodwill is something they have always been interested in linking their brand with, and the concept of the machine linked the brand benefit with the good will benefit in a very natural way. For the consumers it was intriguing first when we invited them to a softness exchange, and when they saw the machine, the children went crazy with it and tried to donate more and more clothes. We touched thousands of children’s lives who will never forget they donated clothes for those in need, having softness in exchange.
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