Cannes Lions



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Branded Content/Entertainment in Australia is relatively free of restrictions and regulations. However, the brand, or funding source, must be openly disclosed to the audience. This applies to all main media.

Within TV, of the five main Free-To-Air networks, two of them have significant restrictions - the national government-owned ABC can have absolutely no branded

content, or commercial reference to brands. The other, SBS, has considerable restrictions.

The current climate in Australia regarding branded entertainment is one of major commercial growth and momentum. Online platforms and subscription TV are the most popular for placement of branded entertainment, but Free-To-Air TV is by far the most desirable and the most difficult to secure.

Independent estimates of 25% growth for branded content on TV in 2013 are common.


We created a media ecosystem around a brand campaign that had interactive and promotional elements at its core.

We used a combination of online and offline channels to build both desirability and participation of our prizes/content.

Ads for the customised theme cars ran in Outdoor and pushed fans to pick and support a team.

Online video, blogger outreach and leverage of our owned channels were key to building the idea and driving fan participation that could influence content.

Radio, Mobile ads and Outdoor were used to directly drive promotional entry, along the path to purchase.

We created a mobile game in which people could run the races against simulators to try and predict the results.

The campaign launches with a stunt – a world first – two racing billboards, the winner of which will be the Outdoor execution.

The content heroes/prizes are the focus of consumer participation via social media.


By involving the fans in the whole process we elevated the prizes from being mere production vehicles to near cult hero status amongst the Ice Break fans. The ‘Drag Race’ Promo is the most successful promotion Ice Break has run with 400,000 entries.

The content gained over 530,000 views (remarkable by Australian standards) and the Facebook fan base increased by 25%.

We had over 3,000 ideas for car customisations submitted, and a 1944% increase in people talking about Ice Break. Baring in mind the community were already highly engaged. Ice Break also retained its no.1 iced coffee position.

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12 items

1 Cannes Lions Award



2023, HEINZ

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