Cannes Lions

Dunkin' Sooner

140 BBDO, Cape Town / DUNKIN' DONUTS / 2017

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Case Film






For years, South Africa was isolated through embargoes and suffered massive delays before experiencing what the rest of the world had to offer. As a result, we hate waiting for things. So, when we launched Dunkin’ Donuts - a brand the rest of the world had had forever - we didn’t want to keep South Africa waiting. We gave South Africans the power to bring the launch of Dunkin’ Donuts sooner through challenges. When South Africans engaged with the challenges, they directly moved the launch sooner.


We set up daily challenges via email, social media, banners, our website, radio and outdoor. Each time South Africa met the challenge, the launch moved sooner.

Some of the challenges were: Snitch on your friends drinking bad coffee to help Dunkin’s own Police Department (AKA the DDPD) issue fines. Find and share the location of the world’s Dinkiest Dunkin’ Donuts. Like really, the world’s smallest store. Get South Africans to get sweet donut tattoos to bring the launch sooner. Share our coffee and donut emojis. Rat out your friends again, so the DDPD can arrest repeat offenders.

Each completed challenge brought the launch of Dunkin' Donuts in South Africa sooner.


Giving South Africa the power to bring the launch of Dunkin’ Donuts sooner made Dunkin’ launch 8 days early. It generated R5.4 million (over $400 000) in earned media (ROI 38). 45% of total impressions were organic and click through on search was 31 x industry average. We were the 2nd highest trending Google search on launch day and broke the global Dunkin’ record with a launch queue that lasted over 26 hours. All because we gave South Africa the power to bring the launch sooner.

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