Spikes Asia

eBay All Ears Roadshow

EBAY, Sydney / EBAY / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






In this submission, we’re going to show you how eBay re-forged the connection with their Seller communities from all corners of Australia. The common sentiment among Sellers was that eBay is a faceless organisation that didn’t care about who made up its marketplace. After years of lockdowns, Sellers were feeling more alone than ever before. Our task was to help eBay rebuild it.


eBay is synonymous with online retail, so the last thing sellers would expect would be eBay showing up to their town to say “Hey, what’s on your mind?”. But that’s exactly what eBay did with the never-before-seen All Ears National Roadshow. This bold step out of the norm showed sellers that eBay is willing to go above and beyond to build a better eBay experience for Sellers.

The travelling forum visited eBay seller communities across the country, connecting Sellers to the real people behind eBay Australia. They were able to form personal relationships and collaborate on solutions to everyday challenges. Sellers saw how together they can develop a vision of a better eBay, reinforcing that eBay is the platform for Sellers, built by Sellers.

If Sellers felt like they weren’t being heard, The All Ears Roadshow showcased to Sellers that eBay is all ears and ready to help.


All Ears Roadshow hit the road, visiting four capital cities to maximise the number of Sellers reached. It welcomed Sellers in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to a content-loaded event designed to help them with everything eBay.

The event was jam-packed with tailored workshops and activations curated by Sellers, a ‘family feast’ style lunch and capped off with an hour-long Q&A where Sellers could get direct answers from eBay Director of Selling, Neil Mackay and the Seller Panel.

To rebuild and reinforce trust in the seller-eBay relationship, we put both parties on the same level, literally. A low platform was used to host the panel for the Q&A and Sellers were seated in-the-round to create a sense of oneness. Workshops were led by both an eBay expert and a member of the Seller Panel in order to display a united front and give Sellers a variety of perspectives.


Over four weeks, the All Ears Roadshow set up shop in industrial warehouse-inspired spaces, signifying to sellers that eBay were ready to roll their sleeves up and get to work with sellers on their home turf.

The All Ears look and feel contrasted the industrial venues with bright colours, chosen to create a vibrant, inspirational energy. Using eBay’s heritage colours ensured instant brand recognition without overwhelming sellers.

Event signage was purposeful and designed to make an impact. We crafted pull-up banners, a media wall and interactive posters with QR codes redirecting to a survey that tracked seller sentiment before and after the event.

A suite of digital assets was used to generate interest, boost attendance and share the excitement. This included digital event invites, CRM, social media content, day-of video content and a post-event hype reel, all consistent with the look and feel of the physical event.


*This information is confidential, please ensure it is only used for judging

31 pt. increase in community connectedness

45% pre-event rated eBay 3+ out of 5

76% post-event rated eBay 3+ out of 5

28 pt. increase in seller belief in eBay

62% pre-event rated eBay 3+ out of 5

90% post-event rated eBay 3+ out of 5

93% of sellers would do it again

93% said yes, they would attend again

7% said maybe they would attend again

0% said no, they wouldn't attend again

We met 300 sellers, but reached over 20,000

4 states

300 sellers

16+ seller-created video content

20k reached through seller content

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