Cannes Lions
GAP'S, Pamplona / EL SER CREATIVO / 2012
For these spots, our goal was to make the public know what the 'SecondCongress of Brilliant Minds' is all about. It is an event that leavesno one indifferent to its contents, and entertains the audience withthe speech's and debates. Three days to interact and share knowledgewith presentations of 21 opinion leaders, whose speech can only last21 minutes. Is a challenge for every speaker to explain their theory inonly 21 minutes. The spots have a every ironic point, we chosedifferent situations where you would not expect to hear comments asdeep as the actors says, sentences that are inspired by the ideas ofthe speakers at the Congress of Brilliant Minds. The conversationalways starts in normal and an everyday scene and we begin to hear theideas discussed at the Congress of Brilliant Minds. After attending tothe “Second Congress of Brilliant Minds” and hearing the speakersand also the debates, you'll never be the same.
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