Cannes Lions








We worked with a partner AfroReggae to talk to the community because they are a very well know NGO and also because they have a famous music truck during Carnival. The urinal’s color was yellow and all the art direction brought to their truck look & feel, so people could understand where the generated power would be used.

We adapted two different technologies creating this unique equipment: the urinal and the dynamo. During the day people used the urinal on a regular basis, and at the end of the day we connected the cleaning truck to clean it and at the same time, generate power. Our in loco team was composed for an Electric Engineer, a Designer, two Security Guards and a Producer.

Assuming that this first campaign was a prototype, we are now working on some developments to scale the product and make it available for bigger events, like music concerts, Carnival, and other cultural festivities in Brazil. We are already discussing it with our partners responsible for the urinal manufacture.


The urinal manufacturers and service providing companies are very interested on use this idea during their events all around the country, and we are working on how to scale that and create a commercial model.

The idea was created in the beginning of January. So we began developing prototypes to make it happen. We also started planning our efforts on social media and with PR to make the idea grow.

On the first week of February, one week before carnival, we started posting the idea on Facebook and inviting people to create buzz. The PR people started talking to TV stations, Radios and others to do the same. But social media was fore sure the main tool of spreading the idea on the begging.

When Carnival came we already had interviews scheduled about the idea with most of brazils major tvs, websites and radios.

Basically, the urinal was available for pissing on February 9th and 10th, and the generated power was used on 11th, during the AfroReggae’s music presentation.

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