Cannes Lions



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Hafslund is Norway’s largest net owner and producer of electricity, and also a major producer of renewable energy (notably hydro-electric power). To highlight its commitment to the environment, Hafslund organised CC8 - the Climate Conference and Concert 08 - in June 2008, in cooperation with environmental group the Bellona Foundation and the Club of Madrid.

The conference gathered 100 top-level decision makers from politics, academia, the private sector and the environmental movement, resulting in a final statement presenting ambitious, creative and solutions-oriented recommendations to take forward to the World environment summit in Copenhagen in 2009.CC8 helped link Hafslund to important decision makers and contributed greatly to raising Hafslund's environmental profile. The resulting media attention was massive, with an estimated PR value of more than EUR 5.22 million.


We launched the conference agenda three months prior to the events, and included, among others, the artists performing at the concert in various PR activities. Some of Norway’s most prominent performers spent a day “back at school”, together with children, to learn more about environmental challenges. Norway’s most famous football club, which is sponsored by Hafslund, wore special edition shirts to several major games, promoting the conference. This generated widespread publicity and a bidding war for the shirts on the Norwegian equivalent of eBay.The conference was attended by very high profile decision makers like Chile’s former president Ricardo Lagos, now UN Special Envoy on climate change and president of the Club of Madrid, Lord Nicholas Stern, author of the notable report on the economic ramifications of climate change and former Norwegian prime minister and head of WHO Gro Harlem Brundtland.The summit was followed by a large concert, the Climate Concert 08, in the park surrounding the conference venue, featuring several renowned artists. More than 8,000 people attended this full day event.


CC8 was an enormous success. Not only did the activity contribute to media attention over time, it also helped link Hafslund to important political and social decision makers. It succeeded in hosting as many as 8,000 potential and present customers at the climate concert. CC8 contributed to raising Hafslund's reputation considerably. The latest TNS Gallup corporate image analysis carried out before CC8 gave Hafslund a reputation score of 19 points. In a similar survey carried out a week after CC8 Hafslund got 33 points - a rise of more than 73 per cent from the previous survey.The PR attention given to CC8 exceeded all expectations. The media agency Vizeum has estimated the gross advertising value at more than EUR 1.3 million. Multiplied by a creditability factor of 4 this gives an estimated PR value in excess of EUR 5.22 million.

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