Cannes Lions

Empathic Jukebox

EZAKI GLICO CO., LTD., Singapore / EZAKI GLICO CO. / 2019

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Case Film






Pocky is well known as one of the famous chocolate snack in Japan and the brand message of Pocky is ‘’Share happiness!’’

However, the problem is that the awareness of Pocky and its brand message is low in ASEAN.

This project began with the goal which is to develop digital content that is useful in worldwide to solve the problem.


We choosed ‘MUSIC’ which is universal and makes people share happinesss as content theme.

In long term, music has been used as theme of Pocky’s TVCM. Pocky and music are compatible.

However, there are lots of digital contents using ‘Music’, so we decided to collaborate with Spotify.

We tried to think how to merge idea which gets awareness of Pocky and ‘Share happiness!’ into playlist function which is big function in Spotify. And we thought of core idea that is to make customized playlist made by reading user’s occasion and the emotion of the moment with saying Pocky.


Pocky’ main purchasing layer is male/female (from 15 to 29 years old).

Pocky aims to get close to the user’s happy moment.

Regarding with media, we not only tried to get traffic to the site with online AD, but also aime to make this contens shared on SNS in organic.


Pocky developed a jukebox powered by Spotify, which detects the state of user’s mind. We focused on the human voice to detect human emotions. We also paid attention to the research result that it’s superiority over facial expression to detect human emotions without racial differences.

To detect human emotions from human voice, collaborating with AI venture company, we presume user’s 5 emotions (JOY/ENERGY/CALM/ANGER/SORROW) by a deep-learning 200,000 matching data of voices and emotions. Combination of 5 emotions score reached to 161,051 ways.

Users can make customized playlist alone, but users can make more happy playlist if they try to do with loved one or friends. Everytime users come to the site, the customized playlist is changed.

We can make great digital eco-system as Pocky


1,616,455 * people in

9 countries (Japan/USA/China/Taiwan/Thailand/Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines/Singapore) say Pocky and made customized playlist align with users emotion. Empathic Jukebox made people’s happiness,

spread awarenesss of Pocky brand and penetrate brand message ‘Share happiness!’ to users.

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