Cannes Lions


NORD DDB, Stockholm / VATTENFALL / 2022

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Negative climate news is rising to new levels, and so is climate anxiety. Research shows positive climate solutions is the most effective against it.

In 2020, Vattenfall asked itself what happens to the climate. The answer comes from Vattenfall's work and communication about all the progress that is actually being made towards a fossil-free life within a generation. Based on the realization that those who see positive news about the climate are more inspired to act for a fossil-free future than those who only take part in negative news, Vattenfall launched the campaign What's Happening in 2020.


The activation Engineerapy was launched in the autumn of 2021, and was based on the campaign insight into the need for positive climate news to deal with climate anxiety. At the same time, we took a stand against the more proven method of anxiety - therapy.

By using the well-known format of online therapy to manage anxiety, Vattenfall instead offered the support of experts in the form of engineers, who in turn alleviated the climate with objective and scientifically based facts about the positive progress that is and will happen. Through an online platform, the public was able to book sessions via video calls with engineers, leading to over 120 calls.


In order to focus the effort on a slightly younger target group than the broad communication, the activation was taken out mainly in social and digital channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, as well as through PR and profile collaborations. A handful of profiles in a number of different categories interpreted a content brief based on the idea, which resulted in a number of Instagram posts and podcast spots, all of which felt credible to their target audiences while raising awareness of activation. Furthermore, short episodes of a content series were developed where two profiles met a living Vattenfall engineer in order to be directly exposed to positive climate news that eased their concerns.


By using the well-known format of online therapy to manage anxiety, Vattenfall instead offered the support of experts in the form of engineers, who in turn alleviated the climate with objective and scientifically based facts about the positive progress that is and will happen. Through an online platform, the public was able to book sessions via video calls with engineers, leading to over 120 calls.


Engineerapy was an emotionally engaging campaign that people resonated with. 66% says the message was clear and 32% said it was new-thinking. The campaign also had a big effect on the brand.

When looking at those who saw the campaign vs those who didn't see it, we see clear uplifts in important attributes:

- Is leading the development towards a sustainable future: +5ppt (35% vs 30%, an increase by +16%)

- Takes broader responsibility: +8ppt (34% vs 26%, an increase by no less than +30%).

- Offer smart and innovative solutions: +12ppt (29% vs 17%, an increase by +70%).

- Understand customers needs: +17ppt (34% vs 17%, an increase by +100%).

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