Cannes Lions


LOWE SINGAPORE, Singapore / CAMPINA / 2015

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Case Film
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The Singapore Red Cross is competing with increasing numbers of charities for the donation dollar. People are being constantly bombarded with charity options and, as such, they have become desensitized to the idea of giving. But we believe we just might have found a way to make people relate emotionally again. Milk—Enriched with Generosity. It’s the universal comfort-food that gives us all our first nutritional needs. Through milk we’ve tried to create a human, tangible link between the donation and its effect. Dutch Lady took up the cause and partnered with the Singapore Red Cross, to create a “new” milk product in with generosity as its active ingredient. When consumers choose to purchase packs of Dutch Lady milk specially marked with the ‘Enriched with Generosity’ label, the proceeds go to support Singapore Red Cross’s FoodAid program, Meals with Love.

This program measures the nutritional needs of the disadvantaged and delivers fresh food accordingly. So the act of buying this milk provides the donor the same feel-good comfort as those in need feel when they receive the food package monthly. ‘Enriched with Generosity’ was launched on March 15, 2015 at the Singapore Red Cross International Bazaar.

With over 100,000 people in attendance.


The proceeds go towards the Singapore Red Cross’s FoodAid program, Meals with Love, aimed at supplementing the nutritional requirements for those in need. And as we all associate milk with nourishment, it was an obvious food choice as it links easily to the positive feelings we get from both drinking milk and donating money.


Through this event Dutch Lady’s parent company Friesland Campina have established a long-term sponsorship of Singapore Red Cross’s FoodAid program, Meals with Love. They are also using the campaign as a case study to show other multi-nationals about creative ways to donate.

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