Cannes Lions

Eén's Airport Takeover

MAKE LEMONADE, Leuven / EEN / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






On Sunday the 16th of august, when most Belgians return from their holidays we took over Brussels International Airport. So instead of organizing the usual press conference, we skipped the press and presented the new visual identity directly to the viewers. Of course, we also invited the press, but we gave them a different and positive story.

The network’s celebrities and the new visual identity guided them from the arrivals area to a pop-up Brand Village at the exit, where they could interact with their favourite TV-stars and were the first to discover and share sneak peeks of the upcoming season.


On August 16th we took over Brussels Airport overnight. A combination of out of home media and guerilla assets featuring the new visual identity guided returning viewers from landing strip, over baggage claim to a pop-up experience village at the exit. In the Village viewers could interact with the network’s celebrities and experienced what the new season had to offer in a casual way.


The Brussels Airport takeover was a huge success:

- Wide and positive media coverage worth 340K of earned media.

- The takeover was a trending topic on social media

- One’s market share grew to 36,30% and up to 38,90% during prime time.

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