Cannes Lions

Enter the show

DDB, Paris / HENNESSY / 2023

Original Content






HENNESSY VSOP was created in 1817 by the future King George IV for the wild soirées he gave to his guests. It needed a strong identity to finally honor its DNA of a crazy, interesting and unexpected reveler.The question was, how to build a world that would reflect how accessible and welcoming this cognac is, as well as its taste for parties that makes VSOP nights looking like no others ? The campaign had to fit the Chinese market, main consumer of this emblematic cognac, and also integrate Jackson Wang, the Chinese star face of Hennessy VSOP.


Great nights start just like ordinary nights, until this critical moment when things completely switch and start getting interesting : a turning point. This is the story of one night where nothing happens as planned. Where unexpected encounters lead to unexpected places, allowing unexpected situations, with characters so rich that they become turning points themselves. Including the most important of all : VSOP. And suddenly, just with a little spark, the show begins. And everybody is welcome to join it.


Too many of our nightlife events are echo chambers: we tend to party with people who look and think like us. But what about the in-betweens? What about the randomness, the unknown, the unexpected? What about our desire for unscripted moments? This is why we decided to showcase the versatility of Hennessy VSOP by showing unscripted nights: nights where anything can happen, where nothing is written yet.


Reach : Youtube = 9,7M unique viewers ; Meta : 4,9M unique users

Engagement : Youtube = 7,6M completed views ; Meta : VTR 50% up to 2,75% for best performing asset

Impact : Ad recall lift was 0,8% with a brand awareness lift of 2,7%

Quality of experience and interaction : Delivery on Youtube was mostly mobile with 62% of views followed by CTV with 23%

Change in behavior : The greatest ad recall and brand awareness lift was in the 45-54 age category with respectively +5% and +4,15%

Brand perception : Increase the awareness of the launch of the new Hennessy VSOP in APAC

Achievement against objectives : Campaign reached 109% more users than planned on Social with an objective of Ad recall lift ; and over delivered by 46% vs primary KPI of Impression on YouTube.

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