Cannes Lions
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs conducted this campaign Programme to reduce CO2 emissions from buildings. It demonstrates impressively how a complex, highly technical subject can be presented in an appealing, easily understood manner. All it needs is a creative central idea and a strong image.Climate change and the precarious economy have made it crucial to save energy, avoid CO2 and support private investment. The campaign aims to convince opinion leaders as well as the general public of the benefits, both financial and environmental, of energy-related refurbishment, and to draw attention to the available state subsidies.The picture of a house wearing a red woollen hat was firmly anchored as a key idea in public awareness. Since then this image has been regularly used by the media when reporting on issues connected with energy-related building renovation.The results are very promising. The campaign shows that climate protection is an issue where everybody wins: cutting down on CO2 emissions and saving money go hand in hand. Response to the programme has been excellent, with demand for the subsidies exceeding expectations.
The campaign began in 2007 with a nationwide poster and an advertising campaign presenting the red woollen hat as its key image. The adverts ran in leading magazines and newspapers, while the poster campaign was launched in Berlin’s government district.From February 2008 through March 2009, the ‘red woollen hat’ toured through Germany. At each stop, the poster campaign was intensified in the respective city. The installation expanded on the visual theme and offered ‘photogenic’ picture material for the regional media.In March 2008, the scientific study “CO2-Gebäudereport 2007” about energy consumption, energy efficiency and the savings potential inherent in buildings was published. The report attracted wide attention and is still used by politicians to sway public opinion.
A campaign website provides information about the programme, eligible renovation measures, and available state subsidies.
Since the start of the campaign, the media have regularly used the image when reporting on issues connected with energy-related building renovation. The ‘red woollen hat’ has become firmly anchored in public awareness. Above all, it has served to make the theme of energy-related building renovation a priority issue, thereby making an important contribution to climate protection.The campaign for the programme provides impressive, easily understood evidence that climate protection, energy savings, and stimulating the economy are closely connected. In 2008, nearly 900,000 tons of CO2 emissions were avoided thanks to the programme, about 360 million EUR in heating costs were saved, and 220,000 jobs preserved.
Response to the programme has been excellent, with demand for subsidies higher than originally anticipated. As a result, subsidies were increased by a further 500 million EUR in August 2008.
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