Cannes Lions
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs runs the campaign for this programme to reduce CO2 emissions from buildings. It is an impressive demonstration of how a complex and highly technical subject matter can be presented to the general public in an appealing and intelligible manner. All it needs is a creative governing idea and a strong image. Due to the precarious situation with climate change and the economy it is crucial to save energy, avoid CO2 and support private investment. The aim of the campaign is to convince the general public of the benefits to both finances and the climate by improving energy conservation with the renovation of buildings using state subsidies. The image of a house with a red woollen hat was firmly anchored as a key idea in public awareness. Since then this image has been regularly used by the media when reporting on issues connected with energy related building renovation. The results of the campaign are auspicious. The campaign shows that climate protection is an issue where everybody wins: avoiding CO2 and saving cash go hand in hand. The response to the programme has been excellent, with demand for the subsidies higher than originally anticipated
The campaign commenced in 2007 with a nationwide poster and advertising campaign presenting the red woollen hat as its key image. The advertisements were printed in leading magazines and newspapers, while the poster campaign was launched in Berlin’s government district.
Additionally, the Ministry’s “Refurbishment Counter” unites a large format version of the woollen hat image with an electronic clock portraying daily updates on the programme’s success and thus providing a popular media image.
From February 2008 until today, the ‘red woollen hat’ is on its tour through Germany and at each stop the poster campaign is intensified in the visited cities. The installation provides a continuation of the visual theme and offers picture material for the regional media.Since February 2009, a TV advertisement has drawn public attention to the programme. In the light of the financial crisis, the advertisement accentuates the argument about how the programme helps saving money.
Since the start of the campaign, the image has been regularly used by the media when reporting on issues connected with energy related building renovation. Thus the ‘red woollen hat’ is firmly anchored in public awareness. Above all, it has generally served to make the theme of energy-related building renovation a priority issue and has thus made an important contribution to climate protection.The campaign for the programme demonstrates in an impressive and intelligible manner that climate protection and energy saving are closely connected. The response to the programme has been excellent, with demand for subsidies higher than originally anticipated. As a result, subsidies were increased by a further 500 million Euros in August 2008.
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