Cannes Lions

E.ON We Hate Waste

M&C SAATCHI, Milan / E.ON ITALY / 2017

Presentation Image
Demo Film
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In all of campaign's creative materials we have shown how domestic energy waste is omnipresent, and that it accumulates and has negative aspects on both consumer bills and the environment. For the PR stunt, we looked for an idea of 'reality advertising', of a very public display of such waste. The final story? A tenant in one of Milan's famous historic buildings went for vacation in August and has left his air conditioning on for months. On December 12, 2016, the result of such reckless energy waste has captured the attention of all Italy, as it woke up to see the palazzo completely frozen, and witnessed emergency intervention of firefighters, angry neighbours, revolted pedestrians and even a local protest against such irresponsible energy waste.


Everything happened in 2 dramatic days. On day 1 hundreds of commuters in the area stopped in their track to witness an emergency intervention at location. The facade of the building was completely covered with ice, and fire fighters were running around and holding back a large crowd of pedestrians mixed with angry neighbours. Nobody knew the cause of the disaster, but soon the news of a tenant and his air-conditioning waste has spread, to loud reactions live and online. We filmed and photographed best moments, and live-seeded them via social media, helped by thousands of additional views from influencers who "happened" to be passing by. The viral snowball was rolling. On day 2, we revealed that E.ON staged the stunt, and ran a press debate on the subject of energy waste, announcing December 13 as National Day against Waste. Hashtags and CTA led everybody to free online Energy Check-Up.


The event became Trending Topic of the Day in Twitter, generating over 250k social media reactions and 41M online impressions. The measurement of social sentiment showed highly positive appreciation of the story and brand’s message. Coverage in national press included 9 TV reportages, 26 editorials in print media and up to 64 digital articles, reaching a 9M audience. Paid support behind event’s video brought another 7,5M views, plus display ads generated an additional 1M impressions. Visits to E.ON’s homepage have grown 205%, and acquisition website got a boost of 49%. As post-campaign research showed, E.ON has skyrocketed to make it into top 5 energy brands, more than tripling its awareness and turbo-boosting all 4 key brand indicators.

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