
Make Italy Green - The Floating Boat

DLV BBDO, Milan / E.ON ITALY / 2023

Presentation Image
Demo Film
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Climate change is manifesting all over our territory with its consequences. Among these, extreme weather phenomena are challenging our environment.

In Italy, the level of the Garda Lake dropped (averagely) by 75cm in the last 4 years.

Through this campaign we wanted to aware people on the impact of our behavior on the environment, and engage them in making conscious and sustainable daily choices, like opting for a sustainable energy provider.

In this sense, the main objectives were:

> Positioning E.ON as the promoter of a «green movement» aimed at making Italy greener, by spreading knowledge and good advices to make our future more sustainable.

> Increase E.ON brand awareness of 3p.p. (vs previous month)

> Increase E.ON advertising awareness of 5p.p. (vs previous month)

> Increase E.ON App downloads (vs previous month)

> Increase E.ON Website traffic (vs previous month)

> Increase E.ON instore traffic.


Over the past four years, the level of Lake Garda has dropped by an average of 75 centimetres. Drought is only one of the consequences of the extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change.

It’s a problem that affects everyone, but many people question how serious it is.

To make the most invisible consequences of climate change visible, we’ve created a spectacular installation on the lake: a boat suspended 75 cm above the water.

This became the key visual of a fully integrated campaign that touched all media channels (TV, Radio, Print, OOH, Digital ADV, Social, Street Marketing, Podcast).  


The campaign audience ”Modern Eco-Friendly Families and House Owners” was made of people from 25 to 65y.o., usually responsible of economic choices and decisions, and who care about sustainability. E.ON clients and non-clients were both included.

To aware people on the importance of making sustainable daily choices, we leveraged on an impacting creative idea. An installation - the heart of this communication campaign - with great emotional and visual impact, representing a boat suspended above water, to show where the level of the Garda Lake arrived in the past, and thus the cm lost by the lake in the last 4 years, due to climate change (which have not been completely recovered, despite the copious rains of the recent months).

To reach the audience, we delivered our campaign on both traditional media (TV, radio, press/print, DOOH) and digital media (social, digital ADV) through a fully integrated communication and media plan.


Starting with a live event from an established data, we created an impactful symbolic installation of a floating boat on the Garda Lake. It was made by the Italian artist Domenico Pellegrino and its materials respected the Lake ecosystem where it was settled.

The boat became the key visual of a fully integrated campaign that touched all media channels (TV, Radio, Print, OOH, Digital ADV, Social, Street Marketing, Podcast). Now the boat can also be seen on Google Maps.

Local people were touched by the campaign and It spread all over Italy (and also Europe) starting conversations and debates about climate change and its devastating consequences.


460 Press Articles

195Mio Impressions

17Mio Videoviews

+4p.p. Brand Awareness vs previous month

+ 12p.p. ADV Awareness vs previous month

3,9% Engagement Rate

+39% Website Traffic vs previous month

+ 35% App Download vs previous month

+16% instore traffic

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1 Cannes Lions Award
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