Cannes Lions


HEROES, Belo Horizonte / BMW / 2014

Case Film
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The innovation responded to a client's demand - communication one-to-one in a bid process - and during its development, it became clear it could be applied on a wide range of contexts, for different purposes in communication, education and other segments.

The technology used combines existing resources, assembled specifically for this project, which had a short deadline (1 month). This greatly affected the technical solutions found, that had to be simple and safe.

It was crucial to use native integration tools to make the book's pages movement control the application, keeping focus on making the experience as smooth as the natural usage of the tablet. Each page takes the user to a new chapter, therefore it's critical to achieve high precision and perfect timing, keeping any electronics invisible.

A bluetooth keyboard was disassembled and its controller board used to get exclusive and precise connection; each page was linked to a key command, providing accuracy to grant each page of the book commanding a certain action on the application. Electronic components were hidden inside the pages.

Also, a NFC (Near Field Communication) tag plays an important role: the user turns the tablet on; puts it in its specific place inside the book, a "niche" with a NFC tag that automatically commands the tablet to start our app, no need of the user to do anything to open it; user then goes to the book's first page and the experience begins: by turning the pages, the user controls the application on the tablet, which is always visible through frames specially designed for each page.

The innovation can establish connections with any Bluetooth device other than tablets - computers, cellphones, SmartTVs, etc. The technology is being improved to gain scalability; until now, no external investments, seed capital or funding are involved.


This innovation opens a wide range of new possibilities for the "traditional objects" like books, when it comes to its integration with technological devices. It's possible to say that it represents a renewal in the role of books and similars, in a world where technology is everywhere. The concept of controling technology through non-technological objects can be applied on a wide variety of universes, such as education and different aspects of both institutional and promotional communications, breaking limitations and multiplying the impact of text and image contents through a dynamic new approach.

Further development includes finding ways to add scalability to the technology and also to reduce the physical dimensions of the finished products.

Until now, the innovation presented brought a very tangible result to the client it was developed for: due to the huge impact the Concept Book had on the BMW Brasil directors board, our client won the bid process to be the dealer responsible for 2 new stores, increasing our client's turnover in 44% for the next year. Few people had the chance to get in touch with the technology actually applied, but its innovative nature and potential has been highlighted by specialized media and specialists in Brazil.

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