Cannes Lions

Everyone's an Einstein


Case Film
Presentation Image






AI was the hot topic across companies and company leaders, as many of them were interested in its potential to transform the workforce and enhance business processes permanently.

Our business decision-maker audience wanted to increase their intelligence and productivity. Salesforce’s Einstein AI could become the established, proven way to help people work smarter, ‌faster. We didn’t need to talk about ‌technology, but rather show how it worked for people.

Demonstrate category leadership in AI by showing what AI does for people in a relatable way; proving Salesforce is the #1 AI CRM.


The idea centers around how effortless it is for anyone to become smarter, aka an Einstein, with the help of Salesforce's Einstein AI. The concept is daring, vibrant, and lighthearted, making AI feel approachable rather than something to be feared. The creative illustrates simple interactions with our AI product, presenting both a problem and a solution, that makes AI a benefit rather than a threat. The end effect of helping a customer is visualized through transforming an ordinary individual into a figurative Einstein, illustrated by the immediate appearance of Einstein-like hair, eyebrows, and mustaches on the heads and faces of those who use the product. The story unfolds in a bright, whimsical world that conveys optimism about the possibilities Einstein AI presents.


• Data gathering

The press was driving fears around AI in companies, including data security, mistrust of the technology, data hallucinations, and biases in AI outputs. When we talked with our audience to hear how they felt about using AI, we learned they were excited about AI for their business and what it could do for them, but didn’t quite understand yet how it could help them.

• Target audience

Our audience is the CRM buying committee, comprised of C-Suite and business decision makers across Sales, Service, Marketing, Commerce, and IT. They struggle to keep up with the pace of business, and learning new technologies can be cumbersome.

• Approach

Take a positive approach to how Salesforce’s Einstein AI helps people work smarter and faster.


• Implementation

We executed creative across direct and programmatic OLV and CTV; first and third-party events; streaming audio; a Spotify brand partnership; a Las Vegas Sphere placement during the inaugural Formula 1 Grand Prix; organic and paid social; and digital channels with high BDM indices.

• Timeline

Launched in August 2023 and remains in market today (April 2024)

• Placement

Video placements were across select channels through Nexxen OLV/CTV (e.g. Roku, FuboTV, CNBC, ESPN, WSJ), and social channels, including YouTube Meta, LinkedIn, and Reddit. Audio placements were across Spotify and Audacy.

• Scale This work came to life globally across channels in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Germany, and France.


We garnered over 1 billion impressions globally across online video, digital ads, social, and audio. Campaign videos drove at at least 42% of site visits, and video completion rates were as high as 99%. Social post-engagement rates were 4.1% (vs. 2.5% benchmark).

Financial results showed 11% growth year over year at $34.8 billion in Q3 and $34.9 billion in Q4, driven by increased product subscriptions and support revenue.

And according to our annual brand tracking research, aided brand awareness grew four percentage points to 68% and global unaided awareness grew by three percentage points.

Furthermore, audience associations of Einstein with Salesforce increased year over year from 12% to 25%, demonstrating our message was being heard and

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