Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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After 50 years of communism, Romania found itself on a democracy road, but with no real values and therefore with no direction.

As money easily replaced authentic moral values, all sorts of overnight enriched people became the main role-models.Our goal was to help a 16 year old mountaineer achieve a world record in climbing, an achievement that would make people look up to her and be proud of themselves as Romanians.To raise the money for the expedition, we used an unusual direct mail, to impress the target audience (business men, KOLs) by igniting their national pride.

We sent each of them a package wrapped in the Romanian national flag with a framed collection of newspaper cutouts, with articles written as published in the future. The articles were praising Coco’s achievement as if had already happened. And also a video CD, presenting her as a possible great follower of Romanian national symbols such as Nadia Comaneci (gymnast).Once we had raised the money, we involved mass media to tell her story and her upcoming great performance: the conquering of Mt. Sidley, a volcano that was never conquered before.This great story generated a big media reaction, both before and after the expedition. The estimated advertising value for all generated media content (TV, press, radio, social media) was of 600.000 EUR.


To raise the money for the expedition, we used an unusual direct mail, to impress the target audience (business men, KOLs) by igniting their national pride.

We sent each of them a package wrapped in the Romanian national flag.When unwrapping the package, they discovered 2 things:- A framed collection of newspapers cutouts, with articles written as published in the future. The articles were praising Coco’s achievement as if had already happened.- A video CD, presenting her as a possible great follower of Romanian national symbols such as Nadia Comaneci (gymnast), Gabriela Szabo (athlete) or Helmuth Duckadam (World record football goalkeeper).Once we had raised the money, we involved mass media to tell her story and her upcoming great performance: the conquering of Mt. Sidley, a volcano that was never conquered before.


We managed to raise the money in 2 weeks, just in time for her to be able to join the expedition and set a world record.This great story generated a big media reaction, both before and after the expedition. All 3 general national televisions and the most important news TV channel covered the story.The estimated advertising value for all generated media content (TV, press, radio, social media) was of 600,000 EUR, a huge amount if only considering the budget she needed for the expedition.The total estimated audience that was exposed to the story on all channels (after excluding overlapping) was of over 5 million people (25% of Romania’s population).Moreover, the Romanian Philatelic Federation issued a dedicated stamped envelope with Coco’s achievement.We can say that Coco is a worthy follower of the great Nadia Comaneci in Romanians’ eyes.

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