Cannes Lions

Fathers night


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Mitsubishi cars are extremely robust and dependable. We wanted to strengthen this brand image. As a car brand known for its reliability, Mitsubishi wanted to support these fathers.

Brands traditionally create top topicals on Father’s Day. For us this was also a very relevant moment but in 2019 we gave it a twist: Mitsubishi created Father’s Eve.

So, every hour on the night before Father’s Day we aired a ‘Father’s Eve’ radio commercial to support these dads and help them with cope with the uncomfortable thoughts while waiting in their cars.

Fathers usually feel comfortable behind the steering wheel of their car but when they have to pick up their partying children in the middle of the night, the wait can get a lot less comfortable.


Strengthening our brand image: Mitsubishi cars are built for life. We found a clever angle linked to the everyday life of any father: in general, they feel comfortable behind the steering wheel. Yet, when they go to pick up their partying children and sit in the car waiting outside a dark nightclub, they spontaneously break out in a cold sweat. We chose radio as the ideal medium for our message and picked a relevant timing: not Father’s Day itself, but the night before, Father’s eve. Our message was aired every hour. It was also the start of the festival season, so we knew that a lot of fathers would get our message at the right moment. We built an emotional connection with the consumers because of the recognisable situations and our encouraging message. We showed that Mitsubishi is built for life, just like those fathermoments are a part of life.


We chose radio as the ideal medium to translate what goes through a father’s mind in those moments.

The timing of the commercial was also very relevant: on the night of 8-9 June 2019, Father’s Eve, a 2-minute radio commercial aired on the hour at midnight, 1 am, 2 am and 3 am on six national stations, both in Flanders and Wallonia. At the same time an FB post linked to Soundcloud went live.

The date also marked the start of the festival season so we were confident that on this night many fathers would be sitting in their car waiting and listening to the radio or scrolling through Facebook. That is why we knew many fathers would hear our message at the right time.


We chose radio as the ideal medium to translate what goes through a father’s mind in those moments. The timing of the commercial was also very relevant: on the night of 8-9 June 2019, Father’s Eve, a 2-minute radio commercial aired on the hour at midnight, 1 am, 2 am and 3 am on six national stations, both in Flanders and Wallonia. At the same time an FB post linked to Soundcloud went live.The date also marked the start of the festival season. We were confident that on this night many fathers would be sitting in their car waiting and listening to the radio or scrolling through Facebook. That is why we knew many fathers would hear our message at the right time.Our Father’s Eve spot had a wide reach. We reached listeners from six radio stations in Flanders and Wallonia and our Facebook post had a reach of 24K.

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