Cannes Lions


BBDO NEW YORK, New York / FEDEX / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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In 2013, FedEx launched FedEx Delivery Manager, a service that helps people reschedule or re-route deliveries so they don’t have to wait at home for a package. Our challenge was to make this service relevant to NFL fans.

In American sports, it’s common for athletes to sometimes fake an injury. So we portrayed an athlete lying about an injury so he can stay home to wait for his package. His coach immediately calls him out on this lie and tells him to use FedEx Delivery Manager so he doesn’t have to miss practice.


We created a mobile video banner to attract consumers who were online shopping and could benefit from FedEx Delivery Manager’s rescheduling feature for their delivery.


The campaign for FedEx Delivery Manager, including this mobile media execution, resulted in thousands of happy customers who were able to reschedule or reroute their delivery.

• Sign-ups for FedEx Delivery Manager were almost 3x that of the forecast .

• FedEx Delivery Manager resulted in 9% fewer unproductive stops compared to the same period the previous year, providing FedEx with a bottom-line return on the product through increased first-time deliveries, decline in customer service calls, fuel savings and reduced waiting time at retail for customers picking up packages that were missed deliveries.

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