Cannes Lions

Feeling Out Loud


Case Film
Presentation Image
Demo Film






Grupo Aval presented "Feeling Out Loud": an innovative, inclusive and synesthetic platform with state-of-the-art technology, in front of the main stages of the festival, where everyone could feel the music and enjoy live concerts with all their senses.

The idea is inclusive, meaning that the deaf persons wouldn't feel like outcasts but just like any other music fans in the concert.

Interactive, where people on the stage could feel in real time the very same music that everyone else is enjoying in the festival, and could understand the songs thanks to screens with sign language interpreters translating and describing every tune.

As well as synesthetic, it translated raw sound data in real time into motion, vibrations, lights and colors so that the music could be felt with the structure through the senses of touch and sight.


We created two 270-square-foot spaces with state-of-the-art technology, just in front of the main stages of the festival.

Capable of turning bass sound into motion and vibrations.

Smart serial plane walls enabled them feel the medium sounds simply by touching; displays with interpreters for the Deaf translated every lyric;

and lights, recreated the high tones of the music with colors and sequences.

Bringing the music from the stages of the Festival to hundreds of Deaf people who enjoyed the music like never before.


Over 1.700 positive posts on our social networks

300% increase in Organic Search Traffic

COP $ in Earned Media

64.320 Direct Impacts

675.000 Social Media Impressions

165 Deaf persons enjoyed our stage

T310, creators of Estéreo Picnic, decided to sponsored the installation, and did not charge for the space used for the stage; and the idea is going to be replicated in the first Lollapalooza in Colombia and in other music festivals in the region such as Soma as well as other local festivals.

Feeling Out Loud was the most commented activation during the Festival, proving that with Grupo Aval, banking can be young, inclusive and innovative.

That's why we shared our designs and blueprints online, encouraging others to replicate it for deaf people all over the world.

So that they can feel music as Colombians do… Out Loud.

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