Cannes Lions



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In Manila, FHM is the fastest growing men’s magazine. Along with topics like the latest gadgets, men’s fashion and sports, FHM regularly publishes articles featuring sexy female TV and film personalities.

The agency was tasked to excite the male target market about the coming 100 Sexiest Women for 2002, a steamy compilation of the hottest females of the year, which will be coming in June of this year. Key Media IdeasThe agency took into consideration a number of things: 1) the product being pushed (FHM Magazines’ 100 Sexiest Women issue), 2) FHM’s target market 3) the search for a medium in which to reach them and 4) how much the client was willing to spend.The Resulting Plan Understanding the nature of the product, the agency identified the target market and its current trends and attitudes. The target was made up of males, aged 18 to 35. They ranged from college students to young professionals. They were active and always on-the-go. Interestingly enough, most of them engaged in regular coffee drinking, frequenting cafés and coffee bars with friends.

The client also had a major concern: money. The media team knew from the onset of the client’s limited budget. This, along with a well-defined target market clearly called for a more cost-effective medium that would more or less give the client the same results. It was agreed that advertising in major newspapers would be both expensive and a waste of time.

The ExecutionSeeing that the target would more likely come into contact with their daily cup of coffee than with a cluttered morning newspaper, the agency worked with an unlikely medium: the common insulating cardboard sleeve used for handling take-out or carry-out coffee.On each sleeve, the regular “Caution: Contents Hot” warning was put in front and enlarged. And below it, in red letters, the words “The 100 Sexiest Women issue. Coming this June” were printed along with the FHM logo.

To complete this execution, a special arrangement was made with Seattle’s Best Coffee, a popular coffee chain in Manila. The specially printed cardboard sleeves were given by instructed crewmembers to male customers who ordered take-out coffee. In it’s first run, 1000 sleeves were to be given in specific branches. This execution is a clear testament to innovative use of media. Supported by a defined target market, a keen understanding of its behavior and a little ingenuity, the agency has overcome certain obstacles like current target market habits and small budgets, to help its client communicate to its target market. The media team, through their target market analysis, unraveled the consumer lifestyle and habits of our prospects. In partnership with the agency’s creative team, they initiated a totally non-traditional, yet effective way to reach its target market. Best use of a new medium. A first for the Philippine market, this novel media execution combines both the effect and purpose of an untapped medium, the insulating cardboard sleeve of take-out coffee cups.

Big idea of “hot” seamlessly woven into the media idea. These specially designed sleeves were created to relate the product’s nature (FHM, a magazine for men that will be featuring its annual 100 Sexiest Women issue) with a new medium’s regular function (the common insulating sleeve used for hot beverages).

Perfect media environment for the target audience. Placing the sleeves on cups of a popular coffee bar also makes the execution more relevant. It allows the client’s market to gain a better picture of what FHM magazine is all about.Proverbial “smile in the face” of those who noticed it. This simple yet effective execution presents the product’s purpose with impact, wit and relevance and ensures an instant connection with the target audience.

Instant buzz created. As of this writing, the FHM’s Sexiest Females of the Year link, has helped generate 15,000 inquiries since March 15, 2002.


The media team, through their target market analysis, unraveled the consumer lifestyle and habits of our prospects. In partnership with the agency’s creative team, they initiated a totally non-traditional, yet effective way to reach its target market.

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