Cannes Lions

Filter Your Feed


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The Filtered Life was developed and honed in on the importance of filtering out the bad to get to the good. But to really connect with consumers, we needed to go beyond talking about our POV and actually do something to help people filter in the real world.

So we took a look at the place that needs filtering like no other – the internet. We created a way for people to filter their own negativity from the internet, by way of their Twitter accounts & developed Filter Your Feed.


The quest to “Filter the Internet” began with a series of videos featuring two-time NBA MVP Stephen Curry, along with videos of real people sharing their poignant experiences of filtering out cyberbullying from their lives.

That led to the agency partnering with Scrubber, LLC to develop the Filter Your Feed tool. Using a proprietary algorithm, the tool allows users to scrub their own Twitter history for any negative posts that they might have previously made and now regret. If the user chooses to delete the posts, they can replace them with fun Stephen Curry content to reintroduce some positivity into their feed. With this approach, Brita puts the power to filter out negativity from the internet in the hands of the very people who use it.


Within the first 3 weeks of launching, Filter Your Feed users flagged over 300,000 negative words from their Twitter accounts and deleted over 65,000 negative tweets. Consumer positive sentiment for Brita increased 25% since the campaign launched & garnered over 127MM impressions stemming from multiple media and PR efforts. The social and digital videos have received over 51MM video views across social networks with over 70K social post engagements.

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