Cannes Lions


R/GA, New York / MCCORMICK / 2013

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A major challenge of FlavorPrint was parsing decades of food science and packaging it into simple and compelling feedback that users can immediately act on. The nuances of flavors and aromas – especially when they combine in different ways – make it especially critical to guarantee accuracy of flavor analysis and recommendations that we deliver to users. Thus, developing an algorithm that can perform such analysis to scale across endless cuisines and consumer’s dietary preferences and needs, offers something unique that has never been done in this space.

The FlavorPrint platform is owned and developed by McCormick (including food scientists, IT, and marketing) in collaboration with several other agencies and vendors operating in the food space. Within the next few years, FlavorPrint is slated to span globally as well as form partnerships with key online destinations to integrate the service.


The FlavorPrint platform launched with the redesign of which serves as their beta version of the platform as they continue to test and iterate.

Through the remainder of 2013, FlavorPrint will expand across McCormick’s other US brands, with global scale slated for 2014. In parallel to this, work is being done to offer FlavorPrint as a service for other 3rd parties to integrate within their properties and provide intelligence and insight into what consumers are planning, cooking, and purchasing at the grocery store.

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