Cannes Lions



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Enable the sport of running to become synonymous with the brand PUMA in a shortest span of time, a task which has not been done by any sportswear brand ever. Saw tough competition by incumbent players who’ve been in India longer. Engage with the consumers and equip them with the sport of running through Events for them, Experience the products, Exclusive information, time with Experts and Educating them on running. The strategy was to achieve the 5 E’s of running:-

Events - Showcase the brand’s seriousness towards running with events

Experience - Seed the products with serious running influencers to experience these products

Exclusive - Share PUMA’s story on their shift in focus from sport lifestyle to a serious player in the performance space through exclusive media interviews with the spokesperson

Experts - Tie up with the best running experts in the country for consultations

Educate - It was necessary to educate the intricacies of the sport and create awareness on the right shoe for running

Outcome received:

2 million worth earned media exposures across all mediums

All pairs of Mobium were sold out in the first season

Low spend with maximum PR visibility

PUMA is now the No.2 Sportswear Brand in the country

Received excellent media mileage in all mediums and changed the perception of the brand to a serious performance player in the market. In one year of the campaign, PUMA secured No.2 position in the sportswear category.


From April 2013 - March 2014 - the 5 E 's of running were executed at various timelines with:-

Press events for the Mobium Elite launch, introducing running properties for adults and children such as PUMA Urban Stampede and PUMA School of Speed

Identified and reached out to running influencers in - media, celebrity, corporates. Seeded PUMA's high performance products in a well designed nifty little box

Highlighting the brand's journey from being sportlifestyle to a serious player in the running space via exclusives business media interviews in print and television with the spokesperson

Collaborate with running specialists in the country and share their expert opinions on behalf of the brand through various events and articles

Using PUMA running experts, consumers were educated on the sport, product via bootcamps with runners and media


PUMA achieved 2 million dollars worth of earned media coverage for the performance category. -

Print - 1,400,000 USD

TV - 320,000 USD

Running, Training and Fitness is the fastest growing category for PUMA in terms of purchase. Consumers now identify PUMA for their high-tech performance apparel and shoes. The brand connected with approximately 10,000 people and seeded the thought of PUMA = Running through various activities and running properties. The brand gained over 500 article counts/ placements in the media

Created brand loyalists in media, corporate and celebrities and secured mentions in traditional and social media

PUMA has become synonymous with Running - for the media and runners across the country. The print media covered PUMA's running angle largely compared to the TV and online media. Approximately 80% of favourable mentions in the media on their running products and the performance category.

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