Cannes Lions

Ford Drive 4 UR School

GTB, Dearborn / FORD / 2019

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Perceptions of Ford products did not match reality. We needed to find a way to get reluctant consumers into Ford vehicles in order to positively shift their perceptions. Research showed parents of school aged children – because of income level and lifestage needs - were the target audience we wanted in our vehicles. The brief was to find a low-pressure and meaningful way to connect with these parents and have them experience the reality of a Ford.

The key objectives we aimed to deliver in 2018 through the Drive 4 UR School program included:

• Generate 325,000 test-drives

• Improve test-drivers’ favorable opinion of Ford by 14 percentage points

• At least 55% sales from conquest owners

• 60% of participants conquest owners

• Obtain 125,000 handraisers

• Convert test-drives into at least 2,000 vehicle sales

• Donate $5 million to schools


To make that meaningful connection with parents, we needed to recognize their needs––and their kids’ education was a top priority. Knowing schools and extracurricular programs were hard hit by budget cuts, we found a way with zero paid media––to turn Ford test-drives into a lucrative fund-raising activity for schools.

Here’s how the program worked: Ford Dealers partnered with local schools to host a one-day test-drive event. For each individual who completed a test drive, Ford donated $20 to the school, up to $6,000.

D4URS relied heavily on grassroots experiential marketing as well as dealer and participants’ PR and word-of-mouth efforts. Additionally, we planned news-worthy surprises at participating schools to show the impact the fundraisers had on the student programs.


We targeted new vehicle buyers, specifically, those that have become unfamiliar with the reality of Ford vehicles and those that are indifferent to Ford. Many are import buyers and many are skeptical, and uninterested. We had to find a way to get these disbelieving, time-pressed individuals who will not visit a Ford dealership, to take some time to experience the real Ford.

A core demographic description for these new vehicle buyers was parents between the ages of 35-55, which tends to be an age of peak household income and new vehicle buying. These parents have kids in school and their lives revolve around kids’ extracurricular activities and school events.


First, we outlined the program to Dealers who immediately saw the opportunity in offering a non-threatening way for people to experience their vehicles. Registration to host an event started to sell out quickly––over one hundred dealerships joined a waitlist.

Concurrently, we established Program Headquarters to serve as the central support system for the dealers and schools planning the local test-drive events. This helped avoid the expense of staffing and managing all of the events. Program HQ was staffed by just three facilitators who answered any questions and provided a comprehensive event kit including added branding and messaging pieces.

On event day, test-drivers were greeted by dealership staff and energetic school volunteers. Once at the registration tent, test-drivers completed a waiver form and then took a pressure-free test-drive. By year end, nearly 1,500 Drive 4 UR School events were held across the country.


Drive 4 UR School is effective in getting consumers into vehicles, and it continues to be Ford’s most successful test-drive program…EVER.*

But these events generate more than just test-drives––they improve perceptions of Ford and create countless opportunities for students, coaches and teachers by funding resources, experiences and so much more. To date, D4URS has donated more than $40 million to schools nationwide and is the most successful test-drive program Ford has ever done.

The results speak for themselves:

• Generated 378,452 test-drives (53,452> goal)

• Achieved 16 percentage point lift in favorable opinion (2ppt > goal)

• 66% of participants were conquest owners (6ppt > goal)

• 60% of sales from conquest owners (5ppt > goal)

• 209,543 handraisers (84,543 > goal)

• Converted test-drives into 2,503 vehicle sales (503 sales > goal)

• Over $5.6 million donated in 2018 ($.6 million > goal)

*Source: Experiential Metrics Database, 2018

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