Cannes Lions


STARCOM, Stockholm / SPOTIFY / 2014

Case Film






By law, product placement in cinematographic works, films made for TV and TV series and placements on the internet were to be in such a way that viewers are clearly informed of the existence of the product placement.

Product placement is allowed in movies, series, sports, and entertainment programs.

We can’t product place products as tobacco, drugs that require a prescription, alcohol, HFSS *

products, gaming and betting or infant formulas.

Product placement of alcohol, HFSS, games and betting and milk are allowed in the programs

produced exclusively for web-tv. Products such as tobacco, prescription drugs, weapons and so on is

not allowed to be product placed in these programs.


Since we wanted to let go of control, we gave the YouTube phenomenon Random Making Movies free hand to create a "Headphone Singing" with music from the Spotify app movie in unexpected situations - libraries, bus stations and shopping malls . The collective was both behind and in front of the camera because they dare to take risksand stand out and make life more fun for all of us.

The film was spread on YouTube via the Random Making Movies own network and then further.


The headphone singing film by Random Making Movies spread like wildfire and has received over 160,000 views on YouTube, and is still increasing. With social mentions, viral spread of different versions of the film, trueviews on YouTube, Facebook and VideofyMe, we reached about one million young people, which represents 70% percent of the target audience.

Today more than 40% of the target group now know about Spotify's free mobile version. And according Spotify about 200,000 people has downloaded tha app - a number that continues to increase.

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