Dubai Lynx

Future Reina



1 Bronze Dubai Lynx
3 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






The Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon is a free treatment center for children suffering from cancer. Every year it treats 300 children at no cost to their parents or families. In 2018, the cancer center proudly achieved an 80% average survival rate for its patients. The cancer center relies on donations by people and organizations to achieve this success rate and without the funding needed it wouldn't be able to treat this many children.

Lebanon suffers from one of the highest cancer rates in the world and with the economic situation in turmoil, the cancer center was finding it increasingly difficult to raise funds.

The center tasked us to create a campaign that would both raise awareness on their achievements and create an urgency to increase funds whilst doing that.


Research showed that fewer people sympathised with traditional fundraising advertising that showed children in hospitals or without hair. We needed to create a campaign that would inspire people to support and put the future of the patients in their hands.

Instead of telling people that they needed to donate to save a child, we showed them what the child can become if they donated, thanks to the 80% success rate. Using Artificial Intelligence we took 8-Year old cancer patient Reina and recreated her 10 years from now. The campaign was a film of Reina in future talking to people, we then cut back to her today with a message that says "Through Artifical Intelligence we were able to show you Reina in the future. Through your support, we can make sure she lives to see it."


The objective of the film was for it to spread on social media channels. By doing something no one has ever done before, we knew it would have a viral effect. Our target audience was every single person in the country, young and old, as every dollar can make a difference. The 30-second ad of Future Reina launched on February 4th, World Cancer Day on all channels.

We set up an SMS hotline where people could send a blank text message to a number and this will automatically donate $1, making it extremely easy to support. As soon as the film hit social media it went viral, being shared by influencers and celebrities that had millions of followers. By the end of the first week, the campaign had raised $250,000 and the number continues to grow.

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