Cannes Lions

Game On


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Case Film
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Maximus is a well-known Aussie energy drink that holds the heartland of guys who are always, always ‘doing’. The market on physical energy conquered, the brand wished to branch out with a new drink aimed at an untapped marked – gamers. So we needed a cheeky (and credible) way to gain the attention of a highly cynical and certainly ad-allergic audience.


We decided to market Game On as the first sports drink specifically designed for gamers and bring it to life by giving terrible gamers a (professional) helping hand. We did this by secretly tagging in a world-class gamer to turn the tables and dish out some sweet, sweet revenge.

The ringer we required for this needed to be a charismatic character who’d amplify our concept whilst embodying the 'Maximus gives you more' ethos. JarradHD was perfect. Well-known to gamers and the ideal jovial yet down-to-earth influencer, who had over 780,000 dedicated followers.


Hit hardcore gamers and casual gamers alike by partnering with a credible influencer and partnering with the world's biggest gaming platform, International Gaming Network (IGN)


Under a rouse of IGN filming a content series for 'mates who game', we took friends who had a very uneven gaming relationship (Where Mate A always got their ass kicked by Mate B.)

We then secretly let Mate A know that, this time, on camera, we were gonna help him get even with the help of one of the world's best gamers.

With Mate A in on the joke and the cameras rolling, we set up a one-off game of FIFA soccer and let the usual course of events play out. True to form, Mate B was killing mate A at half time. That's when our ringer stepped in on behalf of Mate A, and then it was Game On. With JarradHD turning the tables and smashing Mate B.

With teh stunt repeated numerous times and JarradHD becoming a gamer for hire, Maximus helped settle numerous gaming scores.


The new product launch exceeded expectations. Racing off the shelves and selling 17% more than planned, across a wide footprint of retailers. It also saw a 29% rise in target market who deemed Maximus ‘a cool brand’.

No mean feat amongst the cynical, ad-savvy gaming crowd.

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