Cannes Lions


PAGÉS BBDO, Santo Domingo / RICA / 2013


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film






Rica, the leading dairy company in the country, wanted to launch its new evaporated milk, a key ingredient used in hundreds of Dominican recipes, in a market where Nestlé held 96% of market-share. Are objective was 2% Market share.

We knew of family recipes that have been passed down through generations and have been part of different historical moments in our nation’s history, but have never been assembled together in a historical context. This is why we created a campaign like no other, one that would create history and help us find a new way to experience it through taste.

We launched an integrated campaign that invited people to dig into their family heritage to find these recipes and the stories that came with them. Creating a movement that involved historians, anthropologists, sociologists, expert chefs, celebrities and even the government, and made the campaign the project of a nation.  

We conducted a series of PR activities: celebrity chefs on their cooking shows would perform recipes and share their historical importance. We also created live events where these recipes were cooked and their stories shared. These recipes were also used in restaurants promoting the campaign and its historical value.

42,000 recipes were received, 400 that touched different historical moments of our nation’s history were selected and compiled into a book called Gastronomic Heritage. A documentary and reality show are currently being filmed. Are Market share increased 14%. In the end we didn't just launch a product we re-launched history throw taste.


Our promotion launched with an integrated campaign that invited people to dig deep into their family heritage to find these recipes and the stories that came with them. By purchasing Rica’s evaporated milk, our customers received an access code to the promotion’s website, where they would upload their recipes, family pictures and share their stories, creating a movement that involved historians, anthropologists, sociologists and expert chefs that made the campaign the project of a nation. Over 42,000 recipes were uploaded to the website; 400 were chosen and compiled into a book called Gastronomic Heritage. We conducted a series of PR activities where celebrity chefs would receive recipes, would make them on their cooking shows and also tell the recipe’s historical importance. We also had celebrity chefs cook using Rica Evaporated Milk in cooking fairs and other cooking events.


-Over 14,000 recipes were uploaded during the campaign’s first week. 42,000 by the end of the promotion (3 months).

-The campaign gained free press through different media channels.

-Rica’s market share increased by 14%, surpassing its 2% objective.

-Sales increased by 65%.

-A documentary and reality show are being filmed.

-400 recipes were compiled into the Gastronomic Heritage book.

-The book is in the history section of bookstores across the country, in Dominican websites, in schools and forms part of the nation's historical archive.

-In the end we didn’t just launch a product, we re-launched history.

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