Cannes Lions








Professional equality between women and men is far from being acquired. Wages, working conditions, sharing tasks and responsibilities, stereotypes... The gap is huge, despite undeniable achievements.The Laboratory of Equality is a young association made up of 700 men and women who share a common culture of equality. The Laboratory of equality launches major public service campaign to challenge the opinion with a signature, creating a pact for equality and to create a collective mobilisation for gender equality.


The campaign based on the results of investigations into thousands of French people.On 16 January 2012, the campaign is launched at the Rond Point des Champs Elysées in Paris with many prestigious guests.Convinced that gender equality is a necessity for our society but also convinced by the campaign, several business actors gave their support to the campaign: 200 billboards, more than 1,000 lollipops and bus shelters, more than 500 posters in the public transportation, more than 60 Press releases, about 100 passages TV, more than 500 cinemas, 2m printed advertising, etc.


The results are there:- Positive press coverage: TV 7 subjects, 3 radio, 60 print and online publications-> A citizen founded impact : the campaign enters the collections of Les Arts Décoratifs Museum and illustrated textbooks.- Increased traffic: + 85% more traffic on the official website www.laboratoiredelegalité.org after the launch of the campaign and 8 out of 10 internet users visiting the site for the first time.- Successful post tests : - 87% of respondents felt that the campaign is justified and 81% that it should be visible in a maximum number of places - 71% are challenged by the campaign - 75% find the visuals of the campaign well done, 85% understandable and 73% memorised.

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